Teaching Relationship Marketing
What is Relationship Marketing? In the world of Marketing, Internet Marketing, Network Marketing, MLM etc, it is important to build relationships, that is the keyword here, building relationships with people before trying to sell them or pitch them your product or service. I hate being pitched to and I am sure you do too, yet we continue to do it when working in our own businesses and we don’t stop to think how it hurts our business. Think of it like when you go into a store to purchase something, you know exactly what it is your looking for, but when a salesperson approaches you and asks if they can help, you immediately say “no”, I am just looking.” We get on the defensive; even if the salesperson just asks if you are having a good day, you can’t wait to get away from them…I know I do. Because we fear we are going to be sold to or pitched to. But when someone has educated us all about a product or service, and we have learned all the features, colors, styles, shapes, etc., we “wa...