
Showing posts from 2009

How Important Is Getting Back Links To Your Website?

Connie Glutyk's Back Link Training: Back links are very, very important to the success of your web site; it really is the life or death of your positioning with SEO's . If you want to be at the top of the search engines, like Google, you have to really study and understand what it is you need to do to get back links and your site at the top of the search engines. Most people don't have a clue as to the importance of back links and there part in your success, but you will soon. Back links are simply links from my website back to your website, but it is important that the website you back link to has a high page ranking. The linking page with a high page rank will help the linked page create a higher page ranking also. Linking also creates reputation , popularity and more back links . They all work in a sequence of events. How to Get More Back Links: The more quality content rich articles you write with your link in it and the more people who read your articles who link ...

Teaching Relationship Marketing

What is Relationship Marketing? In the world of Marketing, Internet Marketing, Network Marketing, MLM etc, it is important to build relationships, that is the keyword here, building relationships with people before trying to sell them or pitch them your product or service. I hate being pitched to and I am sure you do too, yet we continue to do it when working in our own businesses and we don’t stop to think how it hurts our business. Think of it like when you go into a store to purchase something, you know exactly what it is your looking for, but when a salesperson approaches you and asks if they can help, you immediately say “no”, I am just looking.” We get on the defensive; even if the salesperson just asks if you are having a good day, you can’t wait to get away from them…I know I do. Because we fear we are going to be sold to or pitched to. But when someone has educated us all about a product or service, and we have learned all the features, colors, styles, shapes, etc., we “wa...

Keyword-Rich Article Feeds

Keyword-Rich Article Feeds: When article writing, besides remembering to make the article have a keyword-rich title, remember that the whole point of bloging, besides posting frequently for the Google bots or spiders, is that you can easily syndicate your blog for others to read via the RSS reader of their choice. I was just doing that today after posting my first blog and it was quite the learning experience for sure. You are proably asking "What is RSS?" It is simply "Rich Site Summary" and is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Anyone trying to be known on the internet should use RSS Feeds as it allows you to easily stay informed by retreiving the latest content from the sites you are interested in and getting your information out to other sites. This is very important because you want to be able to backlink others sites. We will talk about the benefits of backlinking another time. You save time by not having to visit each site you enjoy indi...

Keyword Rich Titles in your Article Writing

How important are Keyword-Rich Titles? Consider that the first 3-5 words of your Article Title determine the success of your article in terms of how much traffic your article will generate back to your website. Try to create keyword-rich titles that match the most commonly searched keywords for your topic. Easier said than done! Yes, you can by understanding keyword research, and I will give a few research tools for you to use, and creating keyword-rich, intelligent article titles. Believe it or not but search engines love smart, keyword-rich titles and will create massive traffic to your articles or website. Here are some Keyword Research sites to help you create your keyword-rich Article Titles: Good Keywords Yahoo Search Marketing Google Adwords You have to understand that most people will type in between 1 - 5 keywords when they are looking for the information they want on the Internet. Most search engines give priority to the first 3 -5 keywords and therefore your titles sh...